This report responds to the 2017 RMHF Equity + Health Fellows Report recommendations that Richmond Memorial Health Foundation (RMHF) address issues of nonprofit and foundation diversity, equity, and inclusion through the following actions:
- Model and support practices across different sectors that promote racial equity and improve health outcomes.
- Invest in the development and participation of traditionally underrepresented community members to be decision-makers and leaders in fostering equity.
- Be a catalyst for greater racial equity and inclusion in nonprofit hiring and govern-ance in the region.
- Advocate for federal, state, regional and local public policies that foster health and equity in the region.
The purpose of this report is to expand on these recommendations to communicate what is working to foster racial and other social diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in nonprofit or-ganizations, including foundations. To do so, we explore the academic and practitioner literature to learn from existing research and practice. We begin by providing definitions of “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion.” We then provide background on the relevance of DEI, selected statistics on diversity in nonprofits, and a synthesis of the literature related to DEI in nonprofit organiza-tions, including benefits and potential costs and challenges. We close with a summary of prom-ising practices and future considerations for the Richmond Region’s nonprofits and foundations.