History of Grantmaking

These grants have been approved by the RMHF Trustees during the following fiscal years.

General Operating Support

Multi-Year General Operating Support

The following organizations were awarded multi-year General Operating Support grants through RMHF’s Strategic Framework.

 Older Adults

The following organizations were awarded General Operating Support grants through RMHF’s Strategic Framework to support older adults.

Other General Operating Support

The following organizations were awarded General Operating Support grants through RMHF’s Strategic Framework.

Capacity Building

Grants totaling $173,100 to date to the following organizations:


Opportunity Investments

Grants totaling $45,160 to the following organizations:


Addressing Community Violence and Community Healing 

Grants totaling $215,000 to the following organizations:


 Collaborative Investments 

RWJF Funding

Grants totaling $500,000 to the following organizations to support the initiative of Engaging New and Diverse Voices and Forging New Grassroots Partnerships to Advance Health and Racial Equity in the Richmond Region that supports policy advocacy efforts and advancing health and racial equity across the Commonwealth:


 RWJF Funding (Collective Work)

Grants totaling $200,000 to the following organizations to support the initiative of Engaging New and Diverse Voices and Forging New Grassroots Partnerships to Advance Health and Racial Equity in the Richmond Region that supports participation in the Collective Work led by the Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis through the Racial Justice Coalition.

Collaboration Grants 

Grants totaling $105,000 to the following organizations:

General Operating Support 

HEAL (Health Equity Action Leadership) Initiative 

$120,000 General Operating Support grants over three years totaling $480,000 to each of the following organizations:

Health Safety Net Partners

General Operating Support grants over one year totaling $715,000 to the following Health Safety Net Partners:

Latino/ Hispanic Health Equity

$25,000 General Operating Support grants over one year totaling $150,000 (with additional total funding of $25,000) to each of the following organizations:

Mental Health and Wellness 

General Operating Support grants totaling $500,000 over one year to the following organizations: 

Other General Operating Support

General Operating support grants over one year totaling $150,000 to the following organizations:

$50,000 General Operating Support grants over two years to each of the following organizations totaling $100,000:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – Health and Racial Equity

Richmond Memorial Health Foundation (RMHF) was the recipient of a $1 million grant as fiscal sponsor from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to advance health and racial equity in the greater Richmond area and across the Commonwealth. RMHF has invested a total of $750,000 of those funds in General Operating Support grants to date to the following organizations:

HEArts (Health Equity and the Arts) Program

A grant totaling $20,000 to the following organization:

Access to Behavioral Health Care

Grants over one year totaling $266,000 to the following organizations:

CDC Foundation Initiative 

Funding from a CDC Foundation grant to RMHF as fiscal sponsor to support humanitarian relief to Hispanic/Latinx community members residing in Richmond City and the counties of Chesterfield and Henrico who were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic:


Grants totaling $130,000 to the following organizations:

  • CARITAS $15,000 for General Operating Support
  • Greater Richmond YMCA $50,000 for Critical Connections: Health & Social Needs Navigation
  • Sacred Heart Center $15,000 for Capacity Building
  • VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement of Northern VA) $15,000 for Building the Relational Power this Moment Demands
  • Waymakers Foundation $35,000 for Capacity Building


General Operating Support

Behavioral Health Collaboration 

$60,000 General Operating Support grants over two years totaling $300,000 to each of the following organizations :

Capacity-Building Learning Cohort 

$15,000 General Operating Support grants over one year to each of the following Black- and Brown- led grassroots organizations totaling $105,000 with additional totaling funding of $118,998:

Health Equity and the Built Environment 

General Operating Support grants over one year totaling $290,000 to each of the following organizations:

Health Safety Net Partners

General Operating Support grants over one year totaling $715,000 to the following Health Safety Net Partners:


Capacity Building

A grant totaling $15,000 over nine months to the following organization:

HEAL (Health Equity Action Leadership) Initiative Mini-Grants 

$10,000 grants over one year totaling $40,000 to each of the following organizations:

Health and Wealth Initiative

Grants totaling $118,550 to the following organizations:

Impact Investing 

Grants totaling $110,000 to the following organizations:

  • Humankind $10,000 for LendingKind Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Startup 
  • Virginia Supportive Housing $100,000 over two years for Strategic Systems Change at the Intersection of Health and Housing

Racial Equity Mini-Grants 

Grants totaling $78,200 to the following organizations:


COVID-19 Response Grants

Behavioral Health Services

$10,000 each to the organizations noted below for the provision of behavioral health services:

$7,500 each to the health safety net organizations noted below for the provision of behavioral health services:

$5,000 each to the organizations noted below for technology purchase to support telehealth:

Support for Non-English Speaking, Refugee, and Immigrant Populations

$10,000 to each of the organizations to provide health and human services and/or emergency assistance:

$1,400 to translate and provide factual, language appropriate COVID-19 safety and response information:

Older Adults

$20,000 to each of the organizations to provide Caregiver Services (focused on supporting in-home health care)

Technology (focused on enhancing the delivery of in-home services)

Other COVID-19 Funding

Increasing Access to Health Care Through Behavioral Health

Increasing Access to Oral Health Care  Grants

Increasing Access to Health Care Through Capacity Building Grants

 Health Safety Net Partners

General Operating Support grants totaling $715,000 with additional $10,000 payments to each of the organizations:

Health Equity Action Leadership (HEAL) (over two years)

Advancing Health Equity Through Arts & Culture (HEArts) (over two years)

Health Equity and the Built Environment

Collaborative Funding

Other Funding