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A Letter from our Chief of Strategy and Impact

February 13, 2023
Courtney Rice joined RMHF in September as Chief of Strategy and Impact. She serves as a collaborative thought partner to President & CEO, Mark Constantine, to oversee the implementation of our new Strategic Framework and continue our ongoing mission to foster an equitable and healthy Richmond region. In this letter to our partners, she shares what she and the team have been up to as well as what’s ahead for RMHF.


Hello Friends and Neighbors,


I have experienced my first 100 days at RMHF, and each day has been enjoyable, rewarding and full. I have participated in lots of meetings through coffee check-ins, Zoom events, stakeholder gatherings, and even, while discussing community affairs during walks with the team. Every interaction has been an opportunity to learn more deeply about the issues and the work ahead with my colleagues and fellow residents who are committed to solutions. Mark, Gladys and the rest of the team have welcomed me with open arms. I’m motivated daily by their willingness to identify and challenge the status quo while partnering with community leaders to support new solutions. I’ve also learned that everyone enjoys food just as much as I do!


RMHF embraces a culture that celebrates thought partnership and isn’t afraid to wrestle with difficult topics. Every meeting has brought new insights and validated efforts to move forward with our work the right way — in partnership with our community.


Throughout my first 100 days, I’ve had the chance to meet with our wonderful new and longstanding Trustees. I’ve engaged with peer funders, statewide leaders, regional partners and other healthcare foundation CEOs. Most importantly, I’ve had the chance to sit down with many of our amazing and dedicated community partners who are also committed to health and racial equity.


What is in store for the next 100 days and beyond?


Commitment. We at RMHF will continue to learn from and with our partners to deepen our community engagement. This is an iterative process – one that we will continue for years to come and one that reflects our continued learning and partnership with folks committed to making the region better. We will work to strengthen the internal infrastructure of organizations led by Black, Brown and other historically under-resourced populations. We will create more sustained support for organizations affecting local, state and federal policies. We will champion unrestricted support for those that align with our mission and values.


We will continue to learn from our stakeholders (Have I emphasized enough that we will prioritize learning?!). With those learnings, we will increase transparency in our processes and become more accessible to partner organizations. Above all, we will not stop strengthening our commitment to positive change and seeking the results that disrupt and dismantle systems that perpetuate inequities.


I am so excited to be here at RMHF, and I look forward to providing updates on our important work together in the days to come. If you’d like to connect and discuss efforts – past or future, my door is always open!


In partnership,



Courtney Rice