Grant Awards: Health Equity and the Built Environment 2020

June 22, 2020

The RMHF Trustees recently approved the following Health Equity and the Built Environment grant applications totaling $300,000. Guiding this funding is the recognition that housing stability, economic opportunity, and healthy built environments are key factors in determining health equity for individuals and families. This belief has been informed by internal and external learning opportunities, highlighting the significant relationship between health and housing. One of the organizations funded is led by a person of color.

Organization Name: Central Virginia Legal Aid Society (CVLAS)
Amount: $50,000

Organization Name: Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME)
Amount: $75,000

Organization Name: Maggie Walker Community Land Trust (MWCLT)
Amount: $60,000

Organization Name: VCU Foundation as fiscal support for RVA Eviction Lab
Amount: $40,000

Organization Name: Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation (SCHDC)
Amount: $75,000