Now accepting applications for capacity building and opportunity investments.

Announcing a Transition: a Message from RMHF’s Board Chair and Vice Chair

February 15, 2023

Seven years ago in February 2016, Mark Constantine joined RMHF as President & CEO. Today, we write to share the news that in April 2023 he will be joining the team at Dogwood Health Trust in Asheville, North Carolina, as Senior Vice President of Community Investments.

We want to thank Mark for his commitment to RMHF and to philanthropy in the Commonwealth.

Under Mark’s leadership, the Trustees and staff team have:

In addition to his work at RMHF, Mark has contributed more broadly to health philanthropy through his service as Board Chair of Virginia Funders Network, Co-Chair with Dr. Lauren Powell of the Jeffress Trust Awards Program in Research Advancing Health Equity, and as a faculty member for Grantmakers in Health Terrance Keen Institute for Emerging Leaders in Health Philanthropy.

The RMHF Trustees and staff team are committed to maintaining and advancing this critical work in the years to come.

We ask that you join us in thanking Mark for his service over the past seven years.

We will announce details about next steps in the coming weeks.








With Gratitude,