Now accepting applications for capacity building and opportunity investments.

News & Resources

Achieving health equity in the Richmond region will require all of us working together to eliminate disparities. We’ve assembled these resources to support individuals and organizations seeking to understand the complexities of the issues.


How the Pandemic is Changing the Work of Foundations in Richmond

September 2021

“All the things we said we could never do, a crisis is teaching us that we can.” ~Richmond...

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National Collaboration to Transform Behavioral Health System

April 2021

The following article was written by Fred Karnas, Senior Fellow, Richmond Memorial Health...

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Behavioral Health 2020 Grantees

April 2021

While behavioral health has been a focus of RMHF’s funding for several years, the pandemic has...

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CDC Foundation Initiative Partners

March 2021

Hispanic, Latino and undocumented communities across the US are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19...

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Richmond Area Nonprofits Partner with CDC Foundation to Crush Covid-19 in the Latino Community

March 2021

Richmond City Health District (RCHD) and Chesterfield Health District (CHD) have worked tirelessly...

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First and Second Quarter Grants Summary

June 2020

We are pleased to announce that the RMHF Board of Trustees has approved eighty-five grants totaling...

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COVID-19 Response Grants

June 2020

In early April we announced that our Trustees approved a first-phase grantmaking response to...

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What is the Pandemic Teaching Us about Health Equity through a Racial Equity Lens?

April 2020

  Dr. Vanessa Walker Harris is the deputy secretary of health and human resources for Governor...

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Additonal Funding Approved by Trustees

April 2020

RMHF Trustee and staff definition of health equity: “Everyone has a fair and just opportunity to...

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Two Observations and Our Response to COVID-19

March 2020

Our inboxes, like yours, are full of messages from organizations sharing their thoughtful responses...

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