Richmond Area Housing Market Insights for Residents, Policymakers and Investors
The Market Value Analysis (MVA) is an analytic tool to guide community revitalization, stabilization and investment efforts. The MVA is a creation of Reinvestment Fund’s Policy Solutions Group and was first conducted in Richmond in 2017 through a RMHF grant to support the goals of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Invest Health initiative. We are proud to have co-sponsored a second MVA in 2022 and worked alongside a diverse steering committee to provide our community with a trusted and consistent metric upon which market change can be measured.
RMHF recognizes the work of advancing health and racial equity in the built environment extends beyond jurisdictional borders. Partnering alongside a regional body such as PlanRVA allows the 2022 Market Value Analysis to integrate into existing regional efforts led by PlanRVA such as the 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the ConnectRVA 2045 transportation plan.
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Across the country, MVAs have been used in many creative and constructive ways:
- Supporting fair housing analyses
- Targeting code enforcement activity
- Measuring neighborhood change
- Enhancing equitable development strategies
- Incenting low-income housing development
- Informing land bank acquisition/disposition strategy
“In order for Richmond to realize the full impact of the MVA, we need deep and continued engagement from diverse audiences. Our hope is that the output of the MVA will precipitate thoughtful public policies that advance health and racial equity for our region.”
– Dr. Vanessa Walker Harris, Program & Evaluation Committee Chair, RMHF Board of Trustees