Now accepting applications for capacity building and opportunity investments.

News & Resources

Achieving health equity in the Richmond region will require all of us working together to eliminate disparities. We’ve assembled these resources to support individuals and organizations seeking to understand the complexities of the issues.


Announcing Our New Trustees and Officers

October 2020

We are honored to announce the newest members of our Board of Trustees and a newly elected slate of...

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Collectively Addressing Our Community Needs

August 2020

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light and exacerbated racial and ethnic health...

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LGBTQIA+ Needs & Opportunities Assessment

July 2020

The following invitation is for participation in a needs and opportunities assessment being...

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In This Moment- A Note from RMHF’s Board Chair and CEO

June 2020

In this moment, we remember, grieve and honor the countless African Americans and people of color...

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Center on Society and Health: Regional Scan and Strategies

June 2020

RMHF is pleased to share this Regional Scan and Strategies for Community Engagement in Health,...

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Market Value Analysis

June 2020

Richmond, VA (2017) Reinvestment Fund’s Market Value Analysis (MVA) describes the...

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Grant Awards: Increasing Access to Health Care Through Capacity Building 2020

June 2020

The National Council of Nonprofits defines capacity-building as “whatever is needed to bring a...

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First and Second Quarter Grants Summary

June 2020

We are pleased to announce that the RMHF Board of Trustees has approved eighty-five grants totaling...

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Grant Awards: HEAL 2020

June 2020

The Health Equity Action Leadership (HEAL) Initiative is a reimagination of grassroots action...

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Grant Awards: HEArts 2020

June 2020

The RMHF Trustees recently approved the following Access to HEArts grant applications totaling...

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Grant Awards: Access to Oral Health Care 2020

June 2020

RMHF recognizes that oral health affects individuals’ overall health and is linked to a number of...

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Grant Awards: Access to Health Care: Behavioral Health 2020

June 2020

The RMHF Trustees recently approved the following Access to Health Care: Behavioral Health grant...

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Grant Awards: Health Equity and the Built Environment 2020

June 2020

The RMHF Trustees recently approved the following Health Equity and the Built Environment grant...

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COVID-19 Response Grants

June 2020

In early April we announced that our Trustees approved a first-phase grantmaking response to...

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Grant Awards: The Collaborative Fund 2020

June 2020

The RMHF Trustees recently approved the following Collaborative Fund grants totaling...

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Where Would We Be Without our Health Safety Net Clinics?

May 2020

A recent USA Today article about health safety net clinics cited that “One in 11 Americans –...

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What is the Pandemic Teaching Us about Health Equity through a Racial Equity Lens?

April 2020

  Dr. Vanessa Walker Harris is the deputy secretary of health and human resources for Governor...

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Additonal Funding Approved by Trustees

April 2020

RMHF Trustee and staff definition of health equity: “Everyone has a fair and just opportunity to...

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